Monday, August 23, 2010


Mail can be sent to this address up until November:
Paul Hodum,
Peace Corps Trainee
Peace Corps/Micronesia
PO Box 9
Kolonia, Pohnepei
FM 95941...After I move to my site I wil forward the addressSee More


  1. Please note the change of number in PAul's address: FM 96941

  2. Paul's new address is:
    Paul Hodum
    Peace Corps trainee
    Peace Corps/Micronesia
    PO Box 39
    Weno, Chuuk
    FM 96942

  3. Here is an email from Paul and as per his request, share with you.

    Sounds good, if i am not home call at 345-4pm ur time that is around the time i wake up. i leave for chuuk on saturday, if u or anyone wants to call this is the last week it will happen for the next two years i think. i am going to an outer island that will have no electricity in my home. i love u guys and i want u to send my info to everyone. i learned a little pohnpeian, drank alcohol with the assistant to the king and many other adventures i will tell u about some day soon. tell julia i love her very much and love hearing from her and that soon i will be able to send her mail when she is in the states. I love you guys soo much tell chrissy boy that i love him and ryan too and tha ti tried to call him but no luck. i will have 48 days vacation total when i become a pcv towards the end of my service, i might be able to come home for chris and julias graduation, some pcvs come home for about a month so if we can plan it its dueable. i love u guys fonoton island might be called fonota or something like that. i am healthy, happy and safe. love u guyss and will talk in a coupple of hours, i will be home at 9 but if not call tomorrow at 345-4pm. tell julia to call me between 2-4 her time. i will keep u in the loop when i arrive in chuuk
